Pool Water Treatment / Pool Maintenance

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Solei UV Shock
Solei UV Shock
Brand: Solei


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SOLEI is a revolutionary maintenance shock that helps maintain water clarity and effective sanitization.

Here's what SOLEI does:
  1. Allows you to use the 'power of the sun' for continuous oxidation - no more preventative shock treatments
  2. Replaces traditional chlorine stabilizer - you'll never need to add stabilizer again

Here's why you're going to love SOLEI:
  • Provides continuous oxidation - no more weekly shock treatments
  • Replaces traditional stabilizer - never add stabilizer again
  • Ensures consistent water sparkle
  • Easy monthly application

  1. Apply an initial amount of 400mL per 10'000L to the pool in front of a water return jet or around the edges of the pool.
  2. Apply a weekly top-up of 100mL per 10'000L or monthly top-up of 400mL per 10'000L

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