A complete hot tub and spa maintenance and cleaning
system that makes draining your spa fast and easy! Drain it 5 times faster with
QUICKDRAIN™. Easy, fast, safe to use and work great on above-ground
spas, hot-tubs, pools and pool covers, kid splasher pools, wading pools,
fountains, ponds, drums, tanks and vats.
· Drains a 5-6 person spa in approximately 30 – 40 minutes
· Drains 38-45 L (10-12 gallons) per minute on average (will vary with water volume and height)
· Vacuums as it drains
· Simply insert, shake, vacuum and drain
· No need to towel out debris
· Comes fully assembled
· Works without pumps or motors
· No electricity required
· Works in all weather conditions
· For any above-ground water source: spas, hot-tubs, pools, pool covers, kid’s splasher pools, wading pools, fountains, ponds, drums, tanks and vats
· Will not work on in-ground applications (in-ground swimming pools, spas and hot-tubs, etc)
· Do not use this product in or around hazardous or flammable liquids or materials